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Key points of canna management

CannaKey points of management

  1. Temperature

The suitable growth temperature is 18 ℃ — 30 ℃, where {{{2}} ~ 9 month is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, The month from 10 to 2 in the following year is 10 ℃ — 18 ℃. The storage temperature of rhizomes is preferably about 10 ℃, but the temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃ to prevent the succulent rhizomes from freezing to death. When the summer temperature of potted plants exceeds {{2}} 2 ℃, it is necessary to create a relatively cool environment by shading and water spraying. When the temperature falls to about 10 ° C at the turn of autumn and winter, it should be moved to the shed to prevent its larger leaves from suddenly withering due to cold damage. Potted plants placed indoors in winter can continue to pump new stems and leaves as long as the room temperature is not lower than 5 ℃.

In the area south of the Yangtze River, after the leaves wither in the late autumn and early winter, the stems can be cut off and covered with soft grass or plastic film to maintain the root temperature at a temperature not lower than 5 ° C.

  2. Illumination

During the summer season, it can block 40% ~ 50%. Place the room in front of the window as much as possible so that it can receive more light. Whether it is indoors or outdoors, if the storage position is too dark, it is easy to cause the golden leaves of the potted plants to be dull and discolored, reducing its ornamental value.

  3. Moisture

Give sufficient water during growth. The ground planting should choose the section where the sun is sheltered from the wind, the drainage is good, and the groundwater level is under 70 cm. Potted plants must be kept moist in the soil in the spring, summer, and autumn. When the weather is sunny and the air is dry, spray water frequently on the foliage and around the plant to create a relatively humid environment. Plants displayed indoors should be watered 1 times a day, and sprayed with leaves 2 ~ 3 times, but no water can accumulate in the potted soil. A plastic shallow dish can be placed on the bottom of the basin to accept excess water seeping through the drain hole. Potted soil lack of water or dry air can easily cause the leaves to curl or dry.

  4. Soil

Potted cannabis should use deep-tube plastic pots, with more drainage grit on the bottom. The cultivation soil can be prepared with 4 parts of rot leaf, 4 parts of garden soil, and 2 parts of sand, with a small amount The prepared cake fat or superphosphate. Potted cannabis consumes a large amount of soil nutrients, and the soil should be replaced 1 times a year, which can be combined with ramets in early spring.

  5. Fertilizer

Prefer fertilizer, no matter whether it is planted in the ground or in a pot, an organic fertilizer combining nitrogen and phosphorus should be applied before planting. During the growth and flowering period, the compound fertilizer solution should be applied 1 times a month, and indoor potting can be applied with 0. 1% urea plus 0. 2% of the potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed solution, the ground can be poured with 0. 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate cake fertilizer water. After each bloom, you should cut off the stumps of the remaining flowers in time and apply the quick-acting liquid fertilizer to ensure that the cannabis has sufficient nutrient supply when it blooms again. If there is insufficient fertilizer or lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, it will lead to weak plants, dull leaf color, no flowering or less flowering.